Best Western : Galena, IL :

Best Western Galena, IL

Location: 9923 W, US-20, Galena, IL 61036

Cost: $150-$200

Our Overall Rating: 5/5

This is a very generic looking Best Western with a surprising set of theme rooms in their hotel! They seem fairly new compared to most theme hotels so nothing felt outdated or old. The nearby downtown area was so cute and looked like a movie set. I would love to spend a weekend away here!

Cleanliness Rating: 5/5

Favorite Room: I really loved them all but The Pearl Under The Sea is pretty iconic.

Website: bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.14119.html?iata=00171880&ssob=BLBWI0004G&cid=BLBWI0004G:google:gmb:14119

Booking Info: They might have discount offers on hotels.com but be aware that some websites make you book 2 nights and others don’t. They were helpful over the phone with any questions!

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